Toddler Community
Toddlers need a quiet, caring and adaptable environment that changes according to their developmental needs. Their concentration expands with designated educational toys and teacher initiated activities. The hands are the tools of the brain. Toddlers love to touch and try! They discover the world around them and simultaneously discover their own abilities. The feeling of ‘I can do it by myself’ builds self-esteem and self worth.
Due to the intense absorption of everything that surrounds them, children thrive well in a bilingual environment. They learn languages ‘without effort’, as long as the same person speaks the same language to the child and the language is offered in a concrete, child-oriented manner. This is why Montessori education and bilingual exposure goes so well together. In the Montessori school this bilingual set-up goes all the way up to the Secondary section, and by then the students are ready for a multilingual environment.
Children’s Houses
Montessori education offers the necessary positive interaction, appropriate freedoms and limits and caring adults that helps preschoolers develop both personally and socially. An ordered environment with concrete learning materials and a personalised approach gives the opportunity to act through their own learning style and simultaneously start to build up skills necessary for balanced learning.
This is the age when children use their senses in order to explore. They become more and more independent and aware of the immediate world surrounding them. This stimulates also their interest in writing and reading, early mathematics and the beginnings of geography, biology and history.